Blu-Ray Race Across the Sky 2010 Review

Blu-Ray Race Across the Sky 2010
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I don't write reviews for items on Amazon (though I should, because I find myself reading alot of them.) I rarely participate in customer surveys or anything of the nature, but when I saw the fact that the DVD for Race Across the Sky 2010 had been released a few days ago and still didn't have any reviews, I thought I'd share my opinion of the movie.
I watched this film "live" during the simulcast back in the fall. Until then I had not seen the first movie, I'd only had it described to me by a fellow rider on a group ride a few weeks earlier. I have limited interest in mountain biking (I am an obsessive road bike rider), but the idea of watching a live simulcast on a weekday after work seemed like a good plan. My wife went along for the ride, and shortly before the movie she admitted that she was kind of dreading the idea of sitting in a movie about a mountain bike race for 2 hours (she's a recreational road biker who really dislikes riding off road) She would not regret her decision to tag along with me for this movie.
For as many times as I managed to catch her with a an awestruck look on her face and a tear in her eye, I found myself in the exact same predicament. This film is moving. Breathtaking, painful, and above all, inspiring. Unlike "Race Across the Sky 2009" this movie isn't as much about the "racing" as it is about the people who are riding in the "race". Yes, Levi is a cycling deity, you can guess he'll finish well. Dave Wiens is a staple of the race, so of course he'll be featured. What you aren't prepared for is the story of the people in the middle of the pack, or the heartbreak of the riders getting turned away at the 9 hour mark, and the triumph of the riders who roll in with just seconds to go on the clock. I have never been so moved by a sports documentary... and there are few films I can think of that have had such a positive effect on me.
On our way home after the simulcast (the theater let out around 10PM EST) my wife and I babbled manically about the movie until she finally made the statement that really sums up how this movie makes you feel. She said, "I just want to go home and pedal." As a sufferer of Juvenile Onset Rheumatoid Arthritis (on aggressive Remicaid treatment since she was 23), she can understand dealing with physical adversity and trying to maintain a positive attitude. The people in this film will inspire you, motivate you, and the visuals will leave you gasping for breath.
I don't review movies, nor do I spend much time typing out my thoughts, so I apologize if this review is a little amateurish. I primarily wanted to give my opinions on the film to try to help influence someone trying to decide to purchase, or at least watch "Race Across the Sky 2010" If you like being alive, watch this movie.

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