Average Reviews:

(More customer reviews)I have mine and am still watching it and no, you cant borrow it. You have no excuse to not buy your own, the price is cheap. the film is invaluable. I know a lot of you have loved ones that dont know what to buy you for birthdays, x-mas, ect. This is it guys and gals. Very well put together and we need to be finding ways to get this in front of the public and infront of freindly and nuetral politicians. These interviews are of real people and Stephanie does a great job of letting them tell their story.
Great Job Steph!!! CLARET from Tennessee
I am posting my review on Stephanie`s film, `` Cockfighters. This is one of the greatest tools we could have to help educate others about our sport. It shows that the dirty, savage, mean people that cockers are portraid as isn`t so. I sit here trying to think of the best way to explain this magnificent peice of work, but all I really know to say is just buy it! Buy it and watch it. You will be amazed at the knowledge shared in the interviews, and the persuading words spoken buy some of our great all time cockers as well as the small breeders as well. Buy it and you wont waste your money. I sum it up with this word, WOW!!!
SAMMY SULLIVAN, Mobile, Alabama
I just wanted to put in my 2 cents on this WONDERFUL documentary. I was so very impressed with the way this was put together. I learned alot and it even made me think of cockfighting in a new light. I am one of those that had never heard of this sport until I started dating my now husband. I had the normal pre-conceptions when he told me that they fought roosters. I thought why in the world would you want to do that?!?!?!?! Then I saw my first fight and as many of the people on that video said I was hooked. I have enjoyed seeing the biddies grow and become some of the most powerful and fast cocks I have ever seen. Yes it takes alot of time and money to raise good game fowl but it is well worth it when you have something you can be proud of. I don't impress easily but I was impressed with these videos....congradulations Steph you did a wonderful job on capturing the whole ideal of cockfighting. So if you havn't bought these videos yet BUY THEM!!!!!
Just lil ole me....JENNY SULLIVAN, Mobile, Alabama
Watching this film only reinforced in my mind that we are a dying breed. It was so sad to listen to these great men and women talking about a sport future generations may not be able to experience. Yet, it made me so proud that a few good people could stand up and "be counted". I am glad that Stephanie had the gameness to film this in an unbiased way. She, herself, would be a great defender of our chosen profession. Her interviews have shown the true nature of a cocker and she portrayed a cocker's beliefs in a way no one can challenge. Thank you, Stephanie, for the courage you have shown in this work.
ANNETTE LEE, FORMER PRESIDENT, HAWAII GAMEFOWL BREEDERS Just watched the interviews and I have to say it is rather addictive so be careful. I started watching it at around 9 clock and found myself up in the early morning hours. This is a masterpiece and should be in every cockers home. I think this can also be a tool for digging our sport out of the dark and putting it back into a better light. I think it would even be wise to give the tapes to our elected officials who are misinformed by the animal rights activist. Stephanie has done some great work and defiantly has my respect. If you don't get these tapes then you are missing out.
Nothing compares and nothing ever will. you have stepped on to new ground that no one has and many of us are greatful. this is truly a collecters item and all cockers and non cockers should have this. just wonderful.
The interviews were very well done! I give it(the video) a thumbs up, A+. superb!!!!! Maybe if the ones that are not to keen of the ideal of the roosters, fighting them, etc., seen these videos, it would enlighten them and show them that we're good people, family people, honest and hard-working people. Not the rough, drug taking, beer drinking, redneck, sterotype they have labeled us(all) to be!!!!!!! Thank You for taking the time to help our sport!!! And to alot of us, OUR LIVING!!!!!!
CHRIS NeSMITH, Blackwater Farms
We found cockfighters the interview to be very entertaining and informative. Stephenie Castillo did an excellent job of filming and producing this collection. We thank this will become a must have item for all true cockers. The interviews were very well done and the topics were directly to the heart of the gamefowl industries world. As a bonus one will get to see some of the best bloodlines in the world and hear how and why some of the top cockers breed as they do.
Stephenie Castillo selected some of the top people of the gamefowl industry to interview. Johnny Jumper, Carol Nesmith, Joe Z, Ray Boles, Pokey Stover Savage, and many more top rooster people.
Along with this you get to see Sunset, Texoma and other top pits. Hear top gamefowl people speak on how they started in the business and how they got to where they are today. The cockers interviewed come from a broad spectrum of the gamefowl world. Alabama, Oklahoma, North Carolina, Hawaii, Texas, Utah, La. and many more states are visited.
You will also recieve a history lesson on such men as Kelso, Hatch, Murphey, Hulsey, and several other distinguished breeders of the past.
Overall the money spent for this selection will be well worth it to most and money well spent in our opinion.
I was delighted to recieve the Cockfighter Interview DVD's Thursday. After put the kids to bed I sat down at 9 last night and watched the first two disc then watched the other two this morning and I must say the were even better than advertised. Ms. Castillo has done something for Cockfighters that no one ever has, she has shown us to the world as we see ourselves: Honest, Loyal, Intelligent, God Fearing and Hard Working. Whether you are new to the sport or have be raised in it you should get these tapes and watch them not only alone but with your family, friends and foes to help them understand your that your passion for this game is shared with many people from many different walks of life. I think if we could just get these tapes in the hands of the lawmakers who only judge us on what they are told by our enemies maybe we could change the way that they see us.
Ms. Castillo I know that you where turned down by many well known cockers when you tried to interview them maybe after (they) see your work on this subject those who refused before will now come around and you can make a part 2. I know as a 3rd generation cocker on both sides of my family I will one day use these tapes to help me get that 4th and 5th generation on board.
Thanks again
Jason Barnett
Just got my copy On Saturday and am on the last disc already.......Some of the best Interviews I've ever seen .........Very informative ........Defenatly one of , if not the best video on cocking I have ever seen.........My favorite Interviews were the ones with Johnny Jumper and Carol Nesmith...........These mens cockhouses are unreal..........Cleaner than some peoples homes Ive been in...............Would like to hear some other
R TORRES, Hawaii
I just recieved them as well. It is a great chance to hear the legends talk about their past roosters and friends. I definately like the one with Jumper. They were all pretty good, i also like the one with Joe Z. The tour of sunset is great for anyone that wont ever get a chance to go in person.
Ben Rodriguez
Received the 4 vhs tapes today. I've only viewed part 1 and am very satisfied with it, even with just the Joe Z interview. Carol Nesmith's interview is very good. Some good pointers specially how he cuts the spur and how he conditions. His interview shows how competitive he is in the gamefowl business.
I saw the 4 disc DVD in one day i love watching it even how many times i can't feel boring it's so much excited how they started and where they fought and a lot more topics, tips, lectures about conditioning particularly on disc 3 in BW farm on table exercise, injection, deworming, delousing and putting the rosters in dark cage with several small holes for keeping the set-up for the farm i like it and get some ideas esp. the farm from Hawaii 2 cockers/breeders they have a huge game farm, the DVD it money's worth great interview. Next time your interview your folks back home like well-known cockers, ECJ, Eddie Araneta, Patrick Antonio, mayor Aguirre, Sonny lagon, Boy P. and a lot more prominent and big time cockers in our beloved country. Take some documentary of our own people because some people in your interview esp Miami are backyards not very well -known in Postiza cock is so ugly in appearance it seems cruelty in removing feathers in their legs but the summary from scale to 1 to 10 i would rate it 8. but the picture/colored/sounds a perfect 10.
KTRIX-Brooklyn, NY Stephanie has done an extraordinary job of capturing the truth about cockfighting. In this video you are going to see many cocker's and their farms, as well as hear a great deal of advice, opinions and experiences from those in the game fowl industry. This is a video that you can sit back, relax and view at your leisure...Read more›
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