Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)The book (Total Immersion: The Revolutionary Way To Swim Better, Faster, and Easier) and DVD aren't completely aligned, but do supplement each other well. Actually, I probably wouldn't recommend the DVD without the book.
There are two extremes of swimmers that would likely be interested in this swim method: complete beginners looking to start swimming and experienced swimmers looking to examine this method. Like most, I was somewhere in the middle (after being told by a swim coach that I looked like I was being electrocuted in the water, I thought that this relaxed style of swimming would be a good remedy).
Beginners will instantly see the value; it starts at the very beginning with active floating. Experienced swimmers will need to be prepared to start at the very beginning as well, as Terry Laughlin (correctly) sees a need to break down established patterns of movement in order to build new muscle memory.
My freestyle has become significantly more relaxed. Of course, I still have a long way to go to becoming a proficient distance swimmer (practice, practice, practice), but this video has helped eliminate a lot of bad habits so that the practice is actually beneficial.
One criticism (aside from the somewhat cheesy production): proper flutter kick is nearly ignored. Although it's not the primary source of propulsion for efficient swimmers (e.g., Terry only kicks once per stroke), it's still a significant supplement when wanting to swim fast. It would have been nice to see it addressed more in the video.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Freestyle: Made Easy
FREESTYLE MADE EASY - THE TOTAL IMMERSION SYSTEMTotal Immersion: Freestyle Made Easy illustrates everything about freestyleswimming - how to kick efficiently; every part of the stroke - entry,catch, finish, exit and recovery; how to breathe - in the pool and in openwater; and how to do both the relaxing open turn and the fast flip turn. Toallow you to study all of this carefully, the DVD uses more views (surface,underwater, front, and directly overhead), more slow-motion and more stopaction than any DVD produced before. Since 1989, Total Immersion Swimminghas become a phenomenon among improvement-minded swimmers - the firstprogram in the history of swimming instruction with "raving fans." TI hasbecome so popular because it is simpler than any alternative; it works withunprecedented dependability and it makes swimming enjoyable and deeplysatisfying. Freestyle Made Easy provides the whole picture on smartFreestyle. Running Time: 42 minutes
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