Baseball Coaching:Pitching Drills and Techniques Review

Baseball Coaching:Pitching Drills and Techniques
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This guy seems to get it right. Most pitching pitching videos
I've seen have way too much talking and complicate an already complicated subject. Heck, my son is 9 and I don't think he'll sign with the Padres. So I'm not interested in a lot of the technical jargon. This video has relative easy, simple pitching drills for players ages 8-12. Most of the pitching drills can be used for older players with some adjustmnts. He gives the drills names such as , "Multiple Home Plate Drill", "Knee Drill" and more. Paying close attention to the narrator, there are excellent subtle hints ("practice pitching against a wall with your eyes closed") that youth coaches and parents will find useful. He goes into a pitching anyalsis which is very good but could have used some more info. My son and I have watched this a few times and it is enjoyable. We went outside to do some of these drills and look forward to trying them with the team. The written hints at the end of the video should be mounted on every Little League dugout in America.

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VIDEO LIBRARIANTHE VIDEO REVIEW GUIDE FOR LIBRARIESJuly-August 2004SPORTS,GAMES & RECREATIONPitching Drills & Techniques ***1/2 ( 2004 ) 34 min.VHS or DVD: Youth Sports Club .

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