Charlie Rose with Philip Short; Hau Thai-Tang (March 29, 2005) Review

Charlie Rose with Philip Short; Hau Thai-Tang (March 29, 2005)
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Short speaks of the mass- murder of over one- fifth of the Cambodian people which was done by Pol Pot and his people. Pol Pot is described as a person with a beatific smile, pleasant veneer under which was a cruel and manipulative personality. Short tells how the murders were done in the name of a grand plan aimed at turning Cambodia from a feudal society to a modern socialist one- and at freeing Cambodia from Vietnamese influence. Short points out many of the murderers still alive in their villages living next door to the families of people they murdered. He says the destablization of Indo-China was a factor in the whole process of Pol Pot's coming to power. He blames a number of factors including Prince Sihanouk who had not allowed freedom of expression in Cambodia. He also says U.S. invasion of Vietnam destabilized the whole area. But the responsibility for the cruel murder of so many of his own people are primarily those of Pol Pot and his henchmen. Short says Pol Pot showed no remorse whatsoever at what he had done.

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