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(More customer reviews)The Joe Dimaggio segment was in memory of the Yankee Clipper who had died during the week. There was a clip of Yogi Berra speaking of the special place Joe D. had for the Yankee team. An unlikely friend in the person of Henry Kissinger told about the special grace and dignity of Dimag. Cartoonist and Dimaggio friend Joe Gallo and Dr. Rock Positano who was perhaps Dimaggio's closest friend spoke about his reticence, dignity and kindness as a friend. Roger Angell the baseball writer spoke about Dimaggio's fifty- six game hitting streak as baseball's greatest record.
It was all tribute and perhaps not appropriate but that the 'charges' made about Dimaggio through the years were not brought up at this time. Joe D. was according to some a skinflint emotionally- Contradicting this was Positano who spoke about Dimaggio's kindness as grandparent and parent.
There were a few clips of Joe D. in action.
Also there was consensus on his being the most graceful of all the great center-fielders who made the hard things look easy. I was surprised they did not mention one thing about Dimag which to my mind was most important . He was there in the clutch. The old comparison used to be made between Ted Willimans who got six hits in a game his team won ten to one, and Dimaggio who might have gone zero for three before getting up and getting the hit which tied or won the ballgame.
The show also included a brief montage of Stanley Kubrick's filmwork. Kubrick also died in the same week. Rose calls him one of the great filmmakers of the twentieth century.
Somehow the Rose 'tribute shows' are always among his finest.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Charlie Rose with Henry Kissinger, Rock Positano, Bill Gallo & Roger Angell; A remembrance of Stanley Kubrick; Ian McKellen (March 8, 1999)
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