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(More customer reviews)I have been a wrestling fan since 1996 and have watched all kinds of wrestling. I have a wrestling DVD/VHS collection spanning over 50 all together. This is the most complete and accurate review of this DVD you will find. I hope you find this review helpful; remember to vote helpful or not helpful. (Note-Each DVD I review has a "Match of the DVD" award somewhere in it.)
WWE Ringleaders Collection
This is a Box Set of 3 DVDs: Hell Yeah- Stone Cold's Saga Continues, The Rock- The People's Champ, and Mick Foley- Hard Knocks & Cheap Pops. The only really good one is Foley's, but all together this set is worth the buy.
WWE - Hell Yeah: Stone Cold's Saga Continues
This DVD is follows the same idea as "Austin 3:16- Uncensored" and "`Cause Stone Cold said so" in that they are period pieces of Austin's Career. This DVD starts you at Austin's first WWF Title win at Wrestlemania XIV, and eventually ends with his match at Backlash 1999 with The Rock. You don't get any full match; you just get clips of what happened in the matches. You also get clips of what happened in between the PPVs.
Hell Yeah is one of the better Stone Cold period pieces. He talks out of character about how things affected him. The DVD itself is fairly well done. Stone Cold narrates it, and you can really see the type of person he is at times. You get a bunch of generic stock music during the match clips, but it is well done and works well with the match.
Extras consist of wrestlers commenting on what they think about Austin. Some of the people that talked were The Rock, Jim Ross, Triple H, Jeff Jarrett, and Road Dogg. You also get 5 segments that involved Austin; this includes Dr. Austin and Austin throwing Rock's Intercontinental Championship into a river. You also get a bunch of extras from previous Austin titles like Austin 3:16 and `Cause Stone Cold said so. Finally, you will get a little extra DVD that shows a little past Backlash 99; It even shows clips from the infamous Over the Edge 1999.
This is an okay DVD. WWE put out a lot of period pieces around this time and they are fun to watch when you get bored. I think the fact that this DVD has no extra matches, but is full of parts from other DVDs, is the reason I give this 3 stars.WWE - The Rock - The People's Champ
Much like many superstar DVDs of this time, you get a feature that goes over a segment of The Rock's career. This DVD however is different than something like WWE - Hell Yeah: Stone Cold's Saga Continues in that it focuses more on The Rock outside of the ring instead of his in-ring feuds and matches. This is a nice change from the other DVDs, but if you aren't into what The Rock is doing on his days off than you're out of luck.
This DVD starts around WWE King Of The Ring 1999 and ends at The Rock's Royal Rumble win at WWE Royal Rumble 2000. In between that you will see The Rock hanging out in Miami: buying clothes, getting his haircut, and talking trash. This is all fairly interesting and you'll enjoying watching it. Other then The Rock hanging out, you will see clips from his feuds with: Triple H, Billy Gunn, Undertaker, and Big Show. You will also get a look at his teaming with Mankind.
The extras consist of 9 Rock segments and 8 Rock interviews. There is a slide show, but it's one of the most useless things they could've added. There are no extra matches. The segments and interviews are really funny though and worth checking out. They aren't enough to pull this DVD above three stars though.WWE - Mick Foley - Hard Knocks & Cheap Pops
Who would've expected me to give this DVD five stars? I usually hate DVDs that only show a period of the superstar's career, but this one is so well done. First of all, you have Mick Foley narrating the DVD. He can make really makes this DVD very entertaining to watch and is constantly making you laugh. He even goes into detail about the wrestling business and his feuds.
This DVD actually highlights the best period in Mick's career, mid-1999 to late 2000. You will hear about: his relationship with The Rock, his feud with Al Snow, his barbaric feud with Triple H, and his very comedic role as Commissioner. The DVD is very well done and keeps you into the program.
Extras Include-
Entrance Music for Mick Foley (Commissioner), Mankind, Cactus Jack, and Dude Love
WWF Championship (IYH- Mind Games)
Shawn Michaels(c) VS Mankind
I'm sorry but this match is nowhere near as good as what other people say. It is still a very solid match; it just lacks something to make it special. Still, this has some good wrestling and a few nice spots.
RATING- 8/10
Steve Austin VS Mankind (Raw Nov. 1996)
This was a good Raw match that ended with a lot of interference. Most everything else is forgettable at best. This is a good brawl worth a watch.
RATING- 7/10
Empty Arena Match (Halftime Heat)
WWF Championship
The Rock(c) VS Mankind
This was the first Empty Arena Match, and the second WWF title win for Mankind. The Rock talks a ridiculous amount of trash as they brawl through the entire arena. I felt like the ending was too fake looking though. The match is as entertaining as their other matches though.
RATING- 8.5/10
Special Referee- Vince McMahon (Over the Edge 1998) (Match of the DVD)
WWF Championship
Dude Love VS Steve Austin(c)
Now we come to over glorious Match of the DVD. How odd that this is a Dude Love match. The rules change multiple times in the match. At first it is a normal match, but soon becomes a no disqualification, falls count anywhere match. Both men go all out; Dude Love even hits a Sunset Flip off the top of a car. There are tons of other great moments.
RATING- 9.5/10
Kennel from Hell (Unforgiven 1999)
Al Snow VS Big Boss Man
Why would Mick Foley choose this piece of garbage to show us? The reason is simple; he wanted to make fun of it. Mick and Michael Cole do commentary over the match and make fun off it the entire way. The concept is that there is a steel cage and a Hell in a Cell lowered. The wrestlers would fight inside the steel cage. In between the steel cage and HIAC would be rabid trained dogs. You read it right...rabid...trained...dogs. Horrible match made cool through Mick's commentary.
RATING- 5/10
Click Here to see more reviews about: WWF Ringleaders Collection (The Rock - The People's Champ / Stone Cold - Hell Yeah / Mick Foley - Hard Knocks and Cheap Pops) (2002)
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