Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Though I haven't seen every movie in this collection, I felt I had to give it five stars to offset the review of the one guy who seems to have seen NONE of the movies in his collection. Okay, perhaps he's seen "In This World", since it's the only movie here he recommends. The rest of his opinion seems to be based entirely on the number of "stars" the individual movies were given in other Amazon reviews. Which is a fine way to evaluate films if your sole criterion is, "Is it popular?" But if you're a viewer who, like me, isn't particularly interested in viewing lowest-common-demoninator mulch for the masses, you might ask questions like, "Is it clever? Is it moving? Is it funny? Is it novel? Does it make me think?" If you fall into this latter category, there are definitely some films here you should check out, most notably: "Rick" (a dark, sardonic gem featuring Bill Pullman giving the performance of his career as one of the most loathesome business executives in movie history), "Die Mommie Die" (drag performer Charles Busch's hilarious tribute to the overwrought Douglas Sirk melodramas of old), "Scotland PA" (a very funny Macbeth update, set in the world of chain restaurants, "McBeth" being the obvious joke), and "Mule Skinner Blues" (a compelling, dark but humor-filled and human, documentary about trailer park misfits coming together to make a movie). "Melvin Goes To Dinner" is funny but uneven... which is too bad, because Bob Odenkirk (of "Mr. Show" and "Ben Stiller Show" fame) was the creative force behind it. Of the films here I've seen, only "Amy's O" (a.k.a., "Amy's Orgasm") isn't worth recommending. It's thunderously unfunny and not a fraction as clever as it seems to think it is. The other reviewer cautioned you not to "waste" your money on this collection. My only caution is that you not waste your time listening to the opinions of the uninformed. If the remaining films in this collection are comparable to the ones I've seen, then you could spend your money in worse ways...
Click Here to see more reviews about: Sundance Channel Ultimate Collection - Amazon.com Exclusive (2003)
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