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(More customer reviews)I highly recommend this DVD on feet, knees and legs. I was particularly helped by the techniques for foot and knee - they were new and interesting and I've had great results with them. Bodywork on the foot makes a huge impact on knee and low back pain, and of course on foot problems themselves, and this DVD gives you some excellent ways to make a difference.
The whole series of Advanced Myofascial Techniques DVD's is excellent (I've used several now). They are shot at actual seminars and training sessions so they include hands on demonstrations of the technique with responses from the recipient, live student questions, instructor explanations.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Advanced Myofascial Techniques for Massage Therapy, Physical Therapy and Sports Massage: Legs Knees and Feet
Learn Advanced Myofascial Techniques that dramatically improve your ability to work with hamstring injuries, knee and ankle issues, hammertoes, Morton s Neuroma, heel spurs, plantar fasciitis, and more. a.FOOT AND LOWER LEG SEQUENCE Plantar Fascia Arches: Separating Metatarsals Plantar Fascia: Lengthening Arches: Wringing Medial/Lateral Arches: Scrubbing Metatarsals, Tarsals Ext. & Fl. Digitorum Brevi; Longi Tibialis Ant. & Deep Extensor Groupb.KNEE SEQUENCE Menisci Cruciate Ligs.: Stuck Drawer Capsule/Collateral Ligamentsc.UPPER LEG SEQUENCE Quadriceps: Knee Extension Sartorius/Rectus F./TFL Iliotibial Tract Hamstrings/Adductors/Quads Hamstrings: Lengthening Psoas M. d. Z SEQUENCE Ankle Z Test Retinacula Gastrocs w/ Plantar- & Dorsiflexion Gastrocnemius: Separating Heads Soleus Differentiation (supine) Interosseous Membrane of Leg Distal Tibia/Fibula Juncture Malleoli: Scrubbing Calcaneus/Talus Shear Talus/Tibia Release Meniscie.INTEGRATION SEQUENCEPlantar- & Dorsiflexion w/ out Quads Balancing Tripod Pointsf.SUPPLEMENTAL TECHNIQUES (not shown in 2-day courses) Arches: Spreading Toe Pulling Soleus (side) Peroneals (side) Calcaneus (side) Popliteal Space Knee: Semimembranosus Insertions Knee: Collateral Test Fibular Head Hamstrings w/ Femur Rotation Navicular Quadriceps: Balancing Heads Patellar Tendon Presented by Certified Advanced Rolfer and Rolf Institute faculty member Til Luchau, (along with the Advanced-Trainings.com faculty), this program includes edited recording of actual live trainings. Viewing the DVD along with the accompanying 40+ page, photo-rich manual is an information-packed, easy-to-follow way to learn new techniques or review a course. The 5-part Advanced Myofascial Techniques series gives practicing manual therapists and massage therapists unique, interesting, and fresh approaches that will increase effectiveness, inspire innovation and lead to increased client satisfaction. The Advanced Myofascial Techniques Certification Program is administered through Advanced-Trainings.com.The 5 principal workshops in the Advanced Myofascial Techniques series include: Arm, Wrist, & ShoulderPelvis, Hip & Sacrum Legs, Knees & FeetNeck, Jaw & Head Spine & Lower back
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