Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Although many of these techniques were familiar from massage school, this video really shows how to put them together and when it is appropriate to use them. She also goes into nice detail about which techniques to use for which issues - the video comes with a summary book that describes the disorders & associated techniques, which is a nice reference tool. I found it to be very helpful, and it gave me more confidence when I did my first event massage.
Note - if you have taken a course in sports massage, then you probably won't learn anything new from this, but if you are new to it, then it is a good introduction.
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This comprehensive DVD includes more than two hours of footage detailing 13 sessions that will give you the tools to work with runners, cyclists, swimmers, tennis players and other athletes. Learn about the physiological principles that govern sports massage and the differences between each sport. The 13 sessions include a pre-event massage for runners, an inter-event massage for tennis players, and a post-event session for cyclists. The other sessions are detailed sequences for the following injuries: plantar fascitis, shin splints, ITB syndrome, hamstring strain, neck pain, back pain, ankle sprains, patellar tendonitis, tennis elbow and the rotator cuff. Each session is a complete treatment protocol that will help to keep your athlete in top shape, recover from injuries, and improve their performance. This DVD also includes information on stretches, sport psychology, diet, and how to set up a massage station at a sporting event. Real Bodywork s great graphics and clear filming make this DVD an outstanding educational resource for those who want to work with athletes.Comes with a 14 page booklet that mirrors the techniques shown in the video.DETAILED CONTENTS:FUNDAMENTALS 12:31 Introduction, Event massage, Basic strokesPRE-EVENT 12:12 Running demoPOST EVENT 13:46 Cycling demo, CrampingINTER-EVENT 6:58 Tennis demoPSYCHOLOGY & DIET 3:36INJURIES 3:45RUNNING INJURIES 25:25 Plantar fascitis, Shin Splints, ITB syndrome, Hamstring strainCYCLING INJURIES 16:01 Neck pain, Patellar tendonitisCOURT INJURIES 18:58 Ankle Sprain, Back Pain, Tennis ElbowSWIMMING INJURIES 9:18 Rotator Cuff
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