Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)This had to be the most important PPV of the year besides WM x-seven, because it would decide what entity would survive. The WWF or the WCW/ECW Alliance. The theme song for this PPV is "control" from Puddle Of Mud, Not my first choice for a theme, but then again not horrible, alright i'll rate the matches 1-5 stars and review them.
1) WWF European Championship
Christian (champion) Vs. Al Snow
This match was pretty much a bonus because it was made on sunday night heat, good opener but pointless match, good match overall.
2.5 stars out of 5
2) Tajiri Vs. Alliance Commisioner Willaim Regal
Another decent match, after the match ends Regal feels the need to keep returning to the ring to lay it on Tajiri some more, it gets to the point where u just say to yourself, "go away please"
2.5 stars out of 5
3)Championship Unification Match
Edge (WCW U.S. Champion) Vs. Test (WWF Intercontinental champion) The winner of this match was to keep there job no matter the out come of the Winner Take All Match. A really good bout with some high spots. Edge wins which latter sets up Test joining the Immunity battle royal to try and secure his job.
3 out of 5 stars.
4)Steel Cage Tag Team Unification Match
Hardy Boyz (WWF Tag Team Champions) Vs. Dudly Boyz (WCW Tag Team Champions) Awesome match with a dramatic finish, matt Hardy climbs over the cage, whick is a foolish mistake and leaves his brother alone, when Jeff climbs to the top to escape and win he decides to take a foolish chance and dive off the cage threw Bubba on the table, Bubba moves and Jeff gets wood, Dudlyz win.
4 out of 5 stars.
5)Immunity Invitational Battle Royal
Featuring 22 WCW/ECW and WWF superstars
Before the match Test beats up Scotty 2 Hotty in the back and takes his spot in the battle royal. Whichs makes it kinda obvious who is going to win, but you never know with the WWF. This isnt exactly WM x-seven. Anyways Test wins and gains immunity for 1 year, meaning he cant be fired for a year.
4.5 stars out of 5
6) Six Pack challenge for the Women's Tile
Lita Vs. Jaqueline Vs. Trish Vs. Ivory Vs. Molly Holly Vs. Jazz
Good womens bought for the title, ends when trish uses the Stratusfaction for the win, (Wow is she hot lol)
3 out of 5 stars.
7)Team WWF vs. Team Alliance
Winner Take All Elimination Match
Team WWF: The Rock, Chris Jericho, Undertaker, Kane, Bigshow
Team Alliance: Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kurt Angle, Rob van Dam, Booker T, and Shane Mcmahon.
Here we go, the match most of us have been waiting for, hoping that the Alliance would come to an end, This match didn't fail to deliver, with numerous high spots, the biggest high spot, the ending. When it is down to The Rock and Austin. Kurt Angle comes down to the ring and hits Austin right in the head with his own Title. It is truly an awesome ending, Kurt angle acted as the mole for the past month to help the WWF rid the Alliance. Another high spot to me was to see Paul Heyman's stupid expression after he realized he was out of a job, kodak moment.
5 out of 5 stars no doubt.
DVD Extras: Yes DVD Extras! about time.
1st extra is A day of a WWF superstar. Which is Edge talking about how he became a wrestler ETC...
2nd Extra: After Math on Raw. This is everything important that happened the following night on raw. the firing of Paul Heyman, Vince calling for security to take his princess away, and Regal joining the Vince Mcmahon kiss my rear club. (dont watch ehhhh nasty..) The final little extra is the concluding moments of raw where Rick Flair (woooooooo) comes into the WWF to tell Vince that they are now partners. After that Austin comes out and dominates Angle and Vince and gets his Belt back, Austin and Flair then drink a beer together.
5 star PPV no doubt, thanks for bearing with me and reading this very long review, but at least you got the fullest of what to expect if you purchase this DVD, get it now and watch the Alliance finally die.
Click Here to see more reviews about: WWF Survivor Series 2001: Team WWF vs. Team Alliance - Winner Take All (2001)
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