Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Following the previous 2 all-around excellent Bloodsports, part 3 is a sad disappointment in terms of any excitement until the last 30 minutes of the film, where it all makes up for it with some of the best fights ever.
Bloodsport 3 has a few returning characters from the 2nd film, including the main character, Alex Cardo (Daniel Bernhardt). The other 2 returns, Lueng (Pat Morita) and Master Sun (James Hong), have maybe 2 minutes of screen time combined. Bloodsport 3 does get a new charcater, Mr. Devalle played by John Rhys Davies - Indiana Jones and Lord of the Rings movie, who has decent acting talent. Mr. Devalle is the center of the story, encouraging Alex to fight in his tournament so that Devalle can place a successful bet on him. Refusing to enter the kumite, Devalle murders Master Sun so that Alex will change his mind, but he still refuses. Devalle enters a new competitor, The Beast, in hopes that he will prevail. After extensive training, Alex surprsingly enters the kumite to avenge his master and defeat The Beast.
Unfortunately, the story is boring and been done a hundred times, but fortunately it doesn't matter once the kumite begins. The kumite literally lasts for the last 3o minutes of the movie straight, with fight after fight of beautiful choreography and great editing. The Beast is definetly a great villain in the kumite, but unlike Chong Li and The Demon in the previous Bloodsports, he only has 3 fights in the entire kumite. His 3rd fight is against Alex, which lasts a good 4-1/2 minutes and is the best fight in the movie. I actually liked it a lot more than Alex's fight against Demon in the previous Bloodsport.
Bloodsport 3's only bright spot is the fights, which are not disappointing at all. The first hour of this movie is all around bad, but buying this movie for the kumite alone is still well well worth it.
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