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(More customer reviews)We have been using the TAO of Golf in our training for about 6 years. Sensei Mark gives a good easy to follow presentation of how to develop a "no thinking" swing. We use "The Tao of Golf" video and the Mike Austin video "Mental Imagery" as required homework in all our schools Laser Precision Golf [...]
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"Tao of Golf" is a swing training system that combines the physics of the swing and the human body with training concepts used in the martial arts for centuries.Developed by Sensei Mark Anthony, it's an amazing and effective way to improve your golf swing and your score in just minutes per day. Here's what "Tao of Golf" will do for you:If you can simply make contact with the ball every time, you can hit it straight every time. All you have to know is how to move your body. I'll teach you how in less than three minutes and the rest is minimal practice.Three simple drills will teach your body how to swing a club for power, accuracy, and consistency. Learn these things: *the one, single, no-brainer drill that can erased your slice forever...in just a few minutes! * the secret to getting more leverage on your swing. Instantly! * how to "work the ball." * a simple technique for increasing flexibility and extension. * practice your new, correct swing in as little space as an office cubicle * eliminate the tension in your swing, so you'll have the lanky, whipping power of a pro.
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