Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Filmed in high-definition this new trail running DVD by Dave McMahon and xczone.tv is very impressive. Not only does it open with some gorgeous trail running footage, the great instructional tips about trail running technique keep the viewer interested throughout the entire video. Feature interviews with Ray Zahab, one of Canada's most extraordinary ultra runners, add even more credibility and interest to this trail running DVD.
The DVD begins by clearly explaining the differences between road running and trail running. In this section the producer was clearly unapologetic about the benefits of trail running over road running, and really who can blame him? Trail running does have a plethora of benefits over road running, perhaps the most documented of which is its ability to prevent injury. The DVD then smoothly transitions into answering some of the first questions a new trail runner might ask, such as "Will I twist my ankle?" or "How do I run uphill". Dave and Ray answer these and other questions in a logical systematic manner, without ever trivializing the questions that new trail runners might ask. The DVD seems truly made for both the beginner and the advanced runner as it boasts on its website.
Next, the DVD moves into some instruction about technique, including uphill and downhill running as well as dealing with difficult terrain such as rocks and ledges. At this point in the DVD some of the earlier beautiful footage is re-used a bit, but it usage doesn't at all detract from the message. The instruction section on technique is explained very clearly, with additional instructions for advanced runners weaved nicely into the commentary. The footage for the instruction section is slowed at appropriate points to show the viewer exactly how to execute certain techniques properly. New runners or experienced runners should find this helpful as many of us get sloppy in our technique over time. This part of the DVD also has some basic drills that Dave has adapted from track and field, but equally apply to any running. Individuals who have come to running without ever running on a track team may find these short drills helpful in improving their technique. Others, like myself, found it was a good reminder that you shouldn't throw away everything you learned from your high school track coach. The instructional section does not linger on unnecessary points as some lesser ones would do. Rather it stays focused on the most important techniques required for trail running and keeps the attention of the viewer the whole time.
Overall, the video is extremely well-done in all aspects, including instruction, video footage, editing, and commentary. The best aspect of this DVD is that it is one of the most inspiring instructional videos about trail running that I've seen in awhile. Few producers are able to integrate great instruction with great inspiration, but Dave and the team at xczone.tv has done just that with the new trail running DVD. I would suggest this DVD to experienced trail runners and beginners alike. If you or someone you know is considering trail running, but is uncertain of it for fear of its danger or due to lack of experience, sit down and watch this DVD. You just may be hiting the trails even before it's finished.
Reviewer Jonathan Schmidt is an avid trail runner in Lethbridge, Alberta.
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TRAIL RUNNINGTrail running is the perfect way to build applied core strength, cardiovascular endurance, aerobic power, agility, balance, and confidence in a pragmatic and natural environment. Free yourself from the roads and engage in a richer and more enduring experience. The program is perfect for running specialists, nordic skiers, adventure racers and multi-sport enthusiasts. Experts will lead you through essential skills and fundamental techniques to dramatically improve your trail running experience, with concise demonstrations, pragmatic drills and training advice.
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