Average Reviews:
(More customer reviews)Got this set for Christmas. I'm a BJJ purple belt and wanted to add more leglocks to my submission game. First two discs are takedowns directly to leglocks, while the other 4 discs are leglocks from inside guard (3), outside guard (4), across the side (5) and from the mount and back (6). Was impressed with the variety and positions from which the attacks come from. I would dock the set a half star because of the production, which is good, but still a few years old, but it's not enough to dock it a full star. Other than that, a great set that I hope to start implementing into my game soon.
Click Here to see more reviews about: Igor Yakimov - Ultimate Leg Locks Of Russian Sambo - Leglock Submission Techniques For Mixed Martial Arts, Sambo Instructional DVD
Russian Sambo Master Igor Yakimov, considered to be the best leglock specialist in Russia, shows you leglocks like never seen before including ankle locks, knee bars, knee knots, calf crushes and brutal hip twists that will devastate your opponents. Apply Russian Sambo leg locks from virtually every position possible, many never before seen outside of Russia. Some leglocks are so advanced, they utilize multiple locks at the same time, crushing, twisting and breaking the legs in multiple areas all in the same technique. You will even learn Russian Sambo leglock and armbar combinations that can be done simultaneously. We guarantee this 6 volume DVD series will blow you away with techniques that can be used in most any situation. This highly acclaimed DVD Series is a must have for anyone looking to add leg lock submissions to their mixed martial arts arsenal.
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