Stay on Target with John Shima Review

Stay on Target with John Shima
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Not for the beginning shooter but if you have viewed the Bender DVD's on Skeet and still have inexplicable misses, you should view this DVD. Does not show a lot of how-to shooting technique but explains really well how the eyes work. The concept of heads up shooting to me was quite mind blowing. Totally against convention. [2010 Update] As an update I bought this video in Feb 09 and in Dec 09 shot my first 25 straight! As I said not a DVD for the beginner but certainly Heads Up Shooting worked for me and for a friend as well. He's a better shot than me and has shot many 25 straights HUS. Now I shoot with a solid patch & HUS. Would never have tried this concept but for this DVD.

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This informational DVD is introducing concepts and ideas about shooting moving targets that are radically new and, frankly, kind of hard to believe! The idea of shooting with you cheek NOT on the shotgun was unheard of in the 70's 80's and 90's. However, this DVD lets you understand the how's and why's of shooting clay targets and better yet, encourages you to modify your own style of shotgun shooting as opposed to trying to mimic someone else's. Once you understand how your eyes work and how your brain processes the information, you realize that most of your problems have to be eye related. This is packed with information needed to understand Skeet, Trap and Sporting Clays. This DVD will help shooters from all moving target games and is a must for anyone teaching shotgun sports.

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