Johnny Miller's Golf Clinic 3-PK Review

Johnny Miller's Golf Clinic 3-PK
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I've read and watched a lot of golf instruction and this is some of the best. I'm a 22 handicapper with a tendency to fade/slice most shots. After a lifetime of DIY learning I took a lesson from a local pro recently. He showed me that my posture was poor and I was coming over the top more than I ever imagined I was and got my swing on plane. This immediately straightened out the ball flight. Then, watching Johnny's video, I was able to turn the ball over and get a nice draw going on my irons--something I've never done before. The key is in what he calls "covering" the ball with your right hand, or "palming up" with your left. He also points out that something as simple as rushing your tempo is an easy way to fade the ball--the very thing I've been doing all along! There is enough information here to keep you busy on the practice range for a long time: hitting high, low, hooking and slicing around obstacles. His style of teaching is very informal; you feel like you're out there on the practice tee with him just shooting the breeze. He's right when he says that a lot of what he's covering hasn't been covered before.

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